Alasdair Fraser's Sierra Fiddle Camp

Consent Forms

Consent Forms for Minors

Parents or guardians of minors should read the Parent/Guardian policy below then download, fill out and return the ‘Minor Release Form,’ ‘Minor Health History Form’ and “Guardian Agreement Form’ to:

Alasdair Fraser’s Sierra Fiddle Camp, P.O. Box 219, Nevada City CA  95959

Completed forms must be mailed no later than MAY 1, 2025.

Sierra Fiddle Camp Parent/Guardian Policy

Sierra Fiddle Camp is designed for adults and children to participate fully in the community experience alongside one another. There are no cabin “counselors” or staff in charge of supervising children at camp. All participants under 18 years of age must be under the supervision of a responsible adult, either a parent or a guardian designated by the parent prior to the start of camp. The appointed guardian must be willing to take responsibility for the child’s safety, well-being and actions while at camp.

The guardian agreement is entirely between the parent and the guardian-adult, with the agreement of the minor camper.  Sierra Fiddle Camp will not intervene in disagreements between the minor-camper and guardian, nor refund camp fees if the guardian sends the minor-camper home before the end of camp.

Parents, minor-campers, and guardians must all be aware of the level of expectation of supervision during camp:

      1. Minor campers 14 and older may request assignment to a cabin other than their guardian, at the discretion of the parent and guardian; children aged 13 and younger must be housed in the same cabin as their guardian.
      2. Guardians are expected to be in close, frequent contact with their ward(s), to check in about how camp and classes are going.
      3. Minor-campers may not leave camp without being accompanied by their guardian(s).
      4. Sierra Fiddle Camp faculty MAY NOT be guardians for minors to whom they are not related.

 Please check box to indicate you have read and understand the Sierra Fiddle Camp Parent/Guardian Policy, then download the forms below.